The ‘correct’ alphabetical sorting is highly dependent on the locale. Some countries sort the special characters to the end and some not. A variety of so called solutions were found on the web, but few were clean enough and covered my special case. A generic multidimensional array needed to be sorted by a realtime set of fields with variable sort directions.
A combination of a uasort with a user defined comparision function that used php’s collator class saved the day. A swap routine helped achieve any change in sort direction.
Do please let me know if there is a cleaner more efficient way to sort multidimensional arrays by user defined columns with user defined sort directions in wordpress for a locale defined by wordpress.
I had to resort to globals to pass the ‘realtime’ sortfields and the locale (array(field1=>sortdirection, etc).
The quick test function was:
function do_sort(&$arr, $locale, $sortfields) {
global $collator, $sortfields;
$collator = new collator($locale);
if (empty($sortfields or !is_array($sortfields))) return $arr;
uasort ($arr, function ( $a, $b) {
global $collator, $sortfields;
foreach ($sortfields as $fld1 => $sort1) { // really only until return!
if (empty ($a[$fld1])) $aa = '';
else $aa = $a[$fld1];
if (empty ($b[$fld1])) $bb = '';
else $bb = $b[$fld1];
if ($sort1 == SORT_DESC) amr_swap($aa, $bb);
$cmp = $collator->compare($aa, $bb);
if (!($cmp == 0)) return $cmp;
return $cmp;
return $arr;
The test code is provided in a test_utf8_sort2 Zip for your fun.
Some reference links noted during the process:
- custom alphabet function:
- use db rather with unicode:
For wordpress queries, what was not working in the wp users screen sortable columns, did work when queried directly:
SELECT * FROM `beta_usermeta` WHERE `meta_key` = "first_name" ORDER BY `meta_value` COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci