Given a date, get the next or previous Monday, or Tuesday etc from the given date. This is useful when working with ical recurring dates. If the date given is already that day of week, it is returned as the result.
For example to get the following
Every 20th Monday of the year, forever:
RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=20MO==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)May 19
(1998 9:00 AM EDT)May 18
(1999 9:00 AM EDT)May 17
One could get the first Monday of the year, the it is fairly easy to get the 20th !
<?php global $amr_day_of_week_no; $amr_day_of_week_no = array ( 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6, 'SU' => 0 ); function amr_goto_byday ($dateobj, $byday, $sign) { global $amr_day_of_week_no; $dayofweek = $dateobj->format('w'); /* 0=sunday, 6 = saturday */ if ($dayofweek == '-1') $dayofweek = get_oldweekdays($dateobj); /* php seems to break around 1760 */ $target = $amr_day_of_week_no[$byday]; /* mo=1 ,su=7 */ $adjustment = $target - $dayofweek; if ($sign === '+') { if ($adjustment < 0) $adjustment = $adjustment + 7; } else if ($adjustment > 0) $adjustment = $adjustment-7; $d2 = new DateTime(); $d2 = clone ($dateobj); date_modify ($d2,$adjustment.' days'); return ($d2); } /* --------Test data ------------------------- */ $d[] = new DateTime('2009-12-25'); $d[] = new DateTime('2009-12-28'); $d[] = new DateTime('2009-12-29'); $d[] = new DateTime('2009-12-30'); $d[] = new DateTime('2009-12-31'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-01'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-02'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-03'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-04'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-05'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-06'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-07'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-08'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-09'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-10'); $d[] = new DateTime('2010-01-11'); echo '<table>'; foreach (array ('TU','WE','TH','FR','SA','SU','MO') as $day) { echo '<tr><td> Aiming for '.$day.'</td><td>If not this, then next</td><td>If not this, then prev</td></tr>'; foreach ($d as $i => $d2) { $d3 = amr_goto_byday ($d2, $day, '+'); $d4 = amr_goto_byday ($d2, $day, '-'); $s = $d2->format('Y m d l'); echo '<tr><td> '.$s.'</td><td>'.$d3->format('l,Y m d').'</td><td>'.$d4->format('l,Y m d').'</td></tr>'; } } echo '</table>'; ?>